Automate AWS Glue ETL Deployment with CI/CD and CodePipeline with Failed Job Notifications

Let's start by understanding what AWS CodePipeline is and what we can achieve with it.

AWS CodePipeline is a powerful service that automates continuous delivery pipelines, enabling fast and reliable updates to your applications and infrastructure. This service fully automates your release process from end to end, ensuring that every change you make to your codebase is efficiently and consistently delivered. The process begins with your source repository, where CodePipeline monitors for any changes or updates. Once a change is detected, it triggers a series of stages including build, test, and deployment. During the build stage, your code is compiled and packaged. In the test stage, automated tests are run to ensure the quality and functionality of the code. Finally, in the deployment stage, the code is deployed to your desired environment, whether it be development, staging, or production. By automating these steps, CodePipeline helps you maintain a high level of code quality and reduces the time it takes to deliver new features and fixes to your users.

Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are practices that help development teams push out code changes more frequently and reliably. This whole process is called the CI/CD pipeline.

It's time to set up an AWS CodePipeline CI/CD pipeline! Since I enjoy working with data pipelines, I'm going to automate the deployment of AWS Glue workflow jobs. Watching intricate workflows seamlessly handle data processing is one of the reasons I love AWS Glue. To ensure everything runs smoothly, I'll also include a failure notification trigger. Let's get started!

  1. Create IAM Role for CodePipeline

    Make sure you have a role policy that has sufficient permissions to run the CodePipeline. This role will allow CodePipeline to interact with other AWS services on your behalf, ensuring that the pipeline can execute all necessary actions.

    Creating an IAM Role: codepipelinerole

    • Open the IAM console and navigate to the "Roles" section.

    • Click on the "Create role" button.

    • Select "AWS service" as the type of trusted entity.

    • Choose "CodePipeline" from the list of services. (If you don't find CodePipeline, choose EC2. Once the role policies have been added, we can change the "Trust Policy" to codepipeline as shown below:

  • Click "Next: Permissions" and attach the necessary policies, such as AWSCodePipelineFullAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess, AWSCodeBuildAdminAccess, IAMFullAccess, and AWSCloudFormationFullAccess.

  • For production environments, it's a good idea to limit access. However, since this is just a demo, we're giving full access. Name your role something like codepipelinerole and click "Create role" to finish. This will set up an IAM role with all the permissions your CodePipeline needs.

  • Or you can create the custom IAM role policies according to your requirements

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
    1. Create a CloudFormation yaml file

      To create a comprehensive Glue workflow using a YAML template, follow these detailed steps. This will help you define and manage your Glue jobs efficiently.

      First, you need to create a YAML file that includes all the necessary configurations for your Glue workflow. This YAML file will define the various components of your workflow, such as jobs, triggers, and failed job trigger.

      Here is an example of a complete Glue workflow YAML template:

       AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
       Description: AWS CloudFormation to provision AWS Glue Workflows, Triggers, and Jobs
           Type: String
           Default: dev # set your environment accordingly
           Type: String
           Default: 123456789012 # Your AWS Account ID
           Type: String
           Default: GlueETLRole # IAM Role for Glue jobs
           Type: String
           Default: s3://my-glue-logs/ # S3 location for Glue logs
           Type: String
           Default: demo-test
           Type: String
           Default: my_glue_job_one
           Type: String
           Default: my_glue_job_two
           Type: String
           Default: failed_notification_job
         # Glue Workflow
           Type: AWS::Glue::Workflow
             Name: !Join ["_", [!Ref GlueWorkflowName, !Ref EnvironmentType]]
         # First Trigger (Scheduled)
           Type: AWS::Glue::Trigger
             Name: !Join ["_", ["TriggerOne", !Ref EnvironmentType]]
             Type: SCHEDULED
             Schedule: cron(0 5 * * ? *) # Runs once a day at 5:00 AM UTC
             StartOnCreation: true
             WorkflowName: !Ref GlueWorkflow
               - JobName: !Ref GlueJobOne
         # Second Trigger (Conditional on JobOne Success)
           Type: AWS::Glue::Trigger
             Name: !Join ["_", ["TriggerTwo", !Ref EnvironmentType]]
             Type: CONDITIONAL
             StartOnCreation: true
             WorkflowName: !Ref GlueWorkflow
                 - JobName: !Ref GlueJobOne
                   LogicalOperator: EQUALS
                   State: SUCCEEDED
               - JobName: !Ref GlueJobTwo
         # Failed Notification Trigger (If Either Job Fails)
           Type: AWS::Glue::Trigger
             Name: !Join ["_", ["FailedTrigger", !Ref EnvironmentType]]
             Type: CONDITIONAL
             StartOnCreation: true
             WorkflowName: !Ref GlueWorkflow
               Logical: ANY
                 - JobName: !Ref GlueJobOne
                   LogicalOperator: EQUALS
                   State: FAILED
                 - JobName: !Ref GlueJobTwo
                   LogicalOperator: EQUALS
                   State: FAILED
               - JobName: !Ref GlueJobFail
         # Glue Job One
           Type: AWS::Glue::Job
             Role: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWSAccountID}:role/${IAMRole}
               Name: glueetl
               ScriptLocation: !Sub "s3://aws-glue-scripts-${AWSAccountID}/scripts/${EnvironmentType}/"
             AllocatedCapacity: 5
             GlueVersion: "3.0"
             Name: !Ref JobName1
               "--TempDir": !Sub "s3://aws-glue-temporary-${AWSAccountID}/${EnvironmentType}/temp"
               "--enable-continuous-cloudwatch-log": true
               "--enable-spark-ui": true
               "--spark-event-logs-path": !Ref S3GlueLogs
         # Glue Job Two
           Type: AWS::Glue::Job
             Role: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWSAccountID}:role/${IAMRole}
               Name: glueetl
               ScriptLocation: !Sub "s3://aws-glue-scripts-${AWSAccountID}/${EnvironmentType}/scripts/"
             AllocatedCapacity: 5
             GlueVersion: "3.0"
             Name: !Ref JobName2
               "--TempDir": !Sub "s3://aws-glue-temporary-${AWSAccountID}/${EnvironmentType}/temp"
               "--enable-continuous-cloudwatch-log": true
               "--enable-spark-ui": true
               "--spark-event-logs-path": !Ref S3GlueLogs
         # Failed Notification Job
           Type: AWS::Glue::Job
             Role: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWSAccountID}:role/${IAMRole}
               Name: pythonshell
               ScriptLocation: !Sub "s3://aws-glue-scripts-${AWSAccountID}/${EnvironmentType}/scripts/"
             GlueVersion: "3.0"
             Name: !Ref JobNameFail
               "--TempDir": !Sub "s3://aws-glue-temporary-${AWSAccountID}/${EnvironmentType}/temp"
               "--enable-continuous-cloudwatch-log": true
      1. Update S3 location:

        1. S3 Bucket Name: aws-glue-scripts-123456789012

          • Purpose: This is where you store your Glue job scripts like,, and
        2. S3 Bucket Name: aws-glue-temporary-123456789012

          • Purpose: This bucket holds temporary files generated by Spark when the job runs.

Feel free to tweak the bucket names and update your YAML template file as needed!

  1. Create a Pipeline

    Go to AWS CodePipeline and click on create pipeline. Name the pipeline myglueworkflowpipeline. For the role name, choose the existing role option and select the IAM Role codepipelinerole. Keep the default settings in the advanced settings.

    In the Source section, choose AWS CodeCommit.

    Next, you need to select the repository that will store your code. If you haven't created a repository yet, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to AWS CodeCommit in the AWS Management Console.

    2. Click on Create repository.

    3. Name the repository myglueworkflowrepository. You can give it a description if you like, but it's optional.

    4. Click on Create.

Once the repository is created, go back to your pipeline setup in AWS CodePipeline. In the Source section, select AWS CodeCommit as the source provider. Then, choose the repository you just created, mygluerepository.

After selecting the repository, configure the branch you want to use. Typically, this will be the main branch, but you can choose any branch that suits your workflow.

Next, move on to the Build stage. Here, you can choose a build provider. If you are using AWS CodeBuild, follow these steps:

  1. In the Build section, click on Add build stage.

  2. Choose AWS CodeBuild as the build provider.

  3. Select an existing CodeBuild project or create a new one. If creating a new project, configure it with the necessary build specifications.

Finally, configure the Deploy stage. This is where you specify how and where your application will be deployed. Depending on your deployment strategy, you might choose AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS Lambda, or another service.

After configuring all the stages, review your pipeline settings and click on Create pipeline. Your pipeline will now be set up and ready to use, automatically triggering builds and deployments whenever changes are pushed to the mygluerepository repository.

Note: Effective July 25, 2024, AWS CodeCommit will no longer be available for new customers or accounts. However, existing organizations that are already using CodeCommit will continue to have access to the service.